By now, it must be a forgone conclusion that the Democratic party are paid to lose. Now, that they lost the house, expect a Biden impeachment inquiry by March. It won’t be frivolous; the guy is more corrupt than Trump and with more blood on his hands. Now, that the Hunter Biden laptop has been proven to not be “Russian disinformation,” it should be entertaining to watch a meth head testify and the “Big Guy” squirm. But these things are never about justice, which is why our system sucks.
However, the main point today is that we were told, nay begged to vote Democratic “just one more time. Please, don’t vote third party!” After this, the most important election in history, you do you. Democracy was on the ballot, fer Chrissakes! Weren’t we told that in 2020? 2018? 2016? I could go on. The fact is when these blithering idiots were begging me to vote blue, they could never answer the question, “What’s in it for moi?”
In 2020, I had many, many people tell me, “Oh no, we’ll hold Biden’s feet to the fire! You watch!” Well, I did. You did not and with a straight face, tell me that a woman’s right to choose is at stake! Well, guess what? The Democrats had four administrations in forty-five years to codify Roe v. Wade into law! They failed. It’s not Manchin or Sinema or Lieberman’s fault. They won’t do it. They raise money on gays, guns, and abortion. Same as the GOP. They then vote on everything else in lock step with Goldman Sachs and Raytheon and the thumb sucking plebes that Dems believe their voters to be go right along with it. I’m sick of political and moral cowards whose main intent is to sound cool over drinks.
A nasty fact that is not being covered on CBS is that progressive initiatives passed overwhelmingly this election cycle. While voters still went the conservative route (yes, Democrats are blue conservatives) with congress and local elections, they overwhelmingly voted to pass pot, expand Medicaid, protect LGBTQ rights and more. Sadly, all the Dems could do on a national level was bray about January 6th. Surprisingly, many voters who turned out for initiatives did not vote for congressional candidates.
I have listed Biden’s many failings and broken promises in the past. However, it stuns me that these are ignored and with a very straight and earnest face, I’m asked to vote blue “just this once.” Frankly, these people do not suffer the way 60% of Americans do. Before Covid, over half of U.S. workers were making under $30k/year. Over 60% cannot afford a $500 emergency. Half of all cancer patients lose their savings, while there are over a million bankruptcies a year due to medical expenses and this, after the ACA was passed. These people all have insurance.
There’s no rest for the wicked and the “righteous” don’t care…
As long as we insist that this burlesque, this theater of the absurd is “just politics,” we cannot consider ourselves serious students of policy or democracy. People say, “I hate politics!” I do too! I’m asking you to look at policy. Do you know why the middle east hates us? We have been murdering their civilians and overthrowing democratically elected governments for 70 years for their resources! Africa? Same. Central and South America? Same. I don’t care about politics. Trump teabags a stripper? Obama hanging out with a black activist minister (who is correct, FYI), that’s politics. Policy is how and why we do things that affect our lives. Wars, the price of fuel, food prices, where our tax dollars go… and why don’t we hold those we vote for to account?
I’ll say this again, voting is a transaction. Your views are not an opportunity to virtue signal ad nauseum about democracy or freedom or any other bullshit you got by watching TV spewing the outrage du jour. It’s a way for these people to know that they are our employees, not entitled spirit animals that you take a picture with like you’re at fucking Comic Con. They can be fired and must have their positions threatened on the regular.
You remember when Trump stared into the sun during an eclipse? How we laughed and laughed! Democrats do the same thing every goddamned two years. If this offends the so called, virtue signaling, liberal hypocrite Malcolm X warned us about? Good.
Enjoy the bonfire.
Abe Abdelhadi hosts the Bitter Truth with Abe Abdelhadi on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc.
Hey, why am I the only one absorbing your good words???
Wanna tip? You can ignore this if you don't... How did I (and do I) get people reading my page? And my page is often just lite humor to make people chuckle now and then... dog jokes, etc...
I go to other people's pages, good ones, and get into the conversation and say things that blast people's heads off sometimes... I try not to fight with folks, but I think your brain works quite well, and I think you could seriously build your peeps. That's my advice... mingle. Cheers, I'm am SO right with you on this post!! ^_^
It is all just a "Big Show."
“No sides, no Sunnis, Shiites, Republicans, Democrats, just haves and have nots.”
-6-term Senator Charles F. Meachum
“There is no Deep State, only THE STATE.”
-Edwin. (subscribed) & thanks