Your Party is Just Not That into You
…or how to relax and have fun with your liberal friends at parties.
So, here we are… yet another reelection cycle and I’m being told that I must vote blue to stamp out racism, bigotry and hate. Blue? Who’s running again? Oh yeah…the Democrats and Republicans. I find it infuriating that “voting out racism, bigotry and hate” is even uttered as a viable strategy. Let’s check the record on the “wars” on poverty, terror, drugs, etc. Bang up job, so far! To stamp anything out, it’s necessary to have a return address like a real war. You can’t go to a unicorn war over candy cane ideals.
This is especially true with the Democratic party. To paraphrase Noam Chomsky, the Democrats became Republicans, and the Republicans became batshit insane. These toddlers preach the love train without the slightest bit of irony, or memory. It was Joe Biden’s (and most of today’s Dem fossils) party that ushered in the Crime Bill, NAFTA, the de-regulation of banking, oil and communications, while voting for every war we’re in. They also oversaw the passing of DOMA, which Bill Clinton gleefully went on the 700 Club to brag about. These are the liberals…
Barack Obama presided over kicking out 5.1 million families out of their homes while ensuring banker’s bonuses, giving them the homes. He took two illegal wars and expanded them to seven, as well as giving us a right wing, Heritage Foundation healthcare plan that not even Nixon could pass. It was that bad. When asked by progressive donors why his administration was so conservative, Obama asked, “Don’t you remember what happened to Dr. King?” These people are not your friends.
Now, with the spectacular failure of the Demented Death Rattle (Biden), I’m told in the utmost of earnest (or lying) tones to vote blue. Biden failed to eliminate student debt, while increasing bombs, got us into a proxy war with Ukraine, failed on a minimum wage, and stopping the wars. Our war in Ukraine replaces Afghanistan as a cash cow for his buddies. We now have soaring prices and supply chain issues, while blaming Russia for our problems. Through eminent domain, he took 500 homes on the Texas border to finish Trump’s border wall. We still have kids in cages, with no press access. Police shootings are all the rage, but you have to go to online news to see any of it, as the U.S. press has all but blacked out any reporting. Gee, this sounds like that “fascist” Trump. By the way, the marriage of the State and Corporate America is the definition of fascism, per Benito Mussolini. Obama was fascist as was Trump, as is Biden.
There are so many more egregious transgressions of the Democratic Party that naming them all would be like the CDC report on Pfizer’s vaccine side effects.
No serious person can tell me that voting blue (or red) is an answer. I have been hearing the “lesser of two evils” since 1976 and look where it got us! We now have a president who should be Article 25’d because his time in office is elder abuse. You’re probably thinking to yourself, “But they are fighting for me! I see their tweets!” I know this violates spirit animal worship but a good idea would be to visit Open Secrets or Vote Smart and see how these cretins actually vote. Robert Francis O’Rourke voted for banking de-regulation three times, twice under Trump. You’re not going to hear that from his newly reformed, formerly progressive supporters. Their only pitch is “Abbot bad!”, which he is, but that’s not to say that getting in a corporatist milquetoast two time flame out is the answer.
As long as we have a marginalized demos and continually assault their security with lack of jobs, no medical care, no housing, stagnant wages, environmental racism, starvation, debt peonage and every other third world malady inflicted on them, there will be a breaking point. Economic and social justice does not come from pronouns and cosmetic rehabs, tearing down statues. It comes from real, systemic change. The Democrats are paid to fail. We’re a right-wing country and they’re just nicer about it, while voting the same way as the GOP.
The alternative is not wait till the next cycle, “We can change it later but now we have to swallow our pride and stamp out hate!” That hasn’t worked, never will work and you’re a toddler to keep saying that, or you’re just a liar. Pick one. Offer people something if you want their vote, it’s a transaction. Vote for another party, there are a few. If 30 million people had balls, maybe the two-party system would actually fear losing their jobs, or worse. You don’t need me to point that out, worse is coming whether we stamp out hate or not.
Enjoy the bonfire.
Abe Abdelhadi hosts the Bitter Truth with Abe Abdelhadi on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc.