Chile, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Egypt…what do these countries have in common? They are but a few of the 130 plus countries whose elections were interfered with by the U.S. since 1948. That was a big year. It was the year Palestinians were robbed of their land and human rights, and also the year the CIA was commissioned by Harry Truman.
Since its inception the CIA (read United States) has interfered in over 130 elections. This does not count coups, assassinations, or executions. So, why bring this up? Mainly, because I’m sick of rank and file toddlers parroting whatever drivel they hear and spew out like so much river runoff. In other words, the U.S. media.
The U.S. ranks 36th among democratic nations for a reason. A 2014 Princeton study reported that there is no democracy in the U.S. and that nothing that voters actually want gets passed, unless it’s kid tested and oligarch approved. The only exceptions have been the result of protest.
But I digress…
After the Soviet Union collapsed, we supported the vodka soaked Boris Yeltsin who allowed the “free market” to privatize some 300 state run Russian agencies. Since he was “our boy,” we looked the other way as he sent tanks to burn down the Parliament, jailing his opposition and shutting down pro Soviet news agencies. Poverty went through the roof, as did inflation and mortality rates. Bill Clinton rewarded him with $10 billion in IMF “aid,” with $1.5 billion earmarked for his re-election campaign in 1996.

Chile and Iran were textbook CIA color revolution operations. Chile, especially, was partly engineered directly by Milton Friedman, a troglodyte of a human being, and his “Chicago Boys.” This was after Nixon told the CIA Chief, Richard Helms, to “make the economy scream.” See, Salvador Allende nationalized resources, including copper and raised wages, building affordable housing, enjoying a 3% unemployment rate, free education and a robust economy. Can’t have that! Despite his programs to make American companies whole for their assets, we stage a coup where Allende famously committed suicide after a speech from the presidential palace live on radio, rather than be taken by thugs intent on his murder. We then turned it over to General Augusto Pinochet who wholesale slaughtered tens of thousands of people in stadiums and the streets and his pogroms. These are actions that would be human rights violations anywhere in the world, accept when you’re a U.S. ally.

In 2009, Barack Obama had Honduran President Manuel Zelaya arrested in his pajamas. His crime? He raised the Honduran minimum wage from $2.15/day to a whopping $2.75/day. Since then, Honduras has enjoyed one two-bit, drug trafficking dictator after another, turning that country into one of the highest per capita murder epicenters in the world. This includes nations currently enduring “civil wars,” courtesy of the Star Spangled CIA shitbag brigade.
Among his other departures from “normal” behavior, Donald Trump attempted to coup Venezuela five times. He failed to install “interim” President Juan Guaido as the nation’s rightful leader. Problem was that Guaido never ran for president and only 15% of the population even knew who he was. Seems the Donald missed presidential orientation that day… can’t pull a coup unless you have the army.
Again and again, the U.S. trumps up bullshit charges of those oh so precious human rights violations. This is all for the express purpose of commandeering resources, labor or merely for strategic positioning. We’re fucking with Haiti (again!) because they want a living wage and are rioting. But Levi’s wants that 31 cents an hour stay put. A dollar an hour would mean one less mistress for the C-suite. I say the word, mistress, generously…
Ukraine is no different. We gave Nazis a makeover! Shit libs are eating this up with a spoon breathlessly and uncritically. What is maddening is that I don’t have to go back to the Spanish American War to show where we’ve been lied to! We have been duped into every war the last 21 years and now, NOW we’re being told the truth about Ukraine? If Americans were more concerned about actual rights as opposed to the appearance of rights, we wouldn’t be having our own country ravaged by austerity, starvation and poverty. It’s why as, a friend of mine said, “Overseas, we’re laughed at. People watch U.S. politics like Americans watch the Kardashians. It’s trash entertainment.” Only here, it gets other people killed.
There is no democracy, and by now, we know this is bi-partisan. Freedom’s in the dollar kid, and we’ll kill anyone for a buck.
Enjoy the bonfire.
Abe Abdelhadi hosts the Bitter Truth with Abe Abdelhadi on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc.
Fuckin' A, you da man!
It's amazing to see so many NAILS in one board, brother man!
Okay, you're soooooo hired if I ever have a job for you. That translates to: AWESOME POST.
I will howl at the moon for you tonight.
Taking the scales off my eyes has been a painful I'm frustrated all the time. Are we doomed?