The Sound of Inevitability
U.S economic dominance is nearly over and the citizens are as much to blame…
On June 3rd, this year, Sergei Lavrov addressed the sixth international conference between China and Russia. It’s important to note that both countries, in addition to the U.S., UK, and France are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (AKA the P5).
In this address, he lays out the progress made between these two powers. He does not mention that both nations, especially China, have been making trade deals with neighboring and developing countries. Between the nations of China, Russia and now the flirtation with India, that’s 3.4 billion people, nearly half the world. We’re moving into a multi-polar world and the U.S. will most likely lose its reserve currency status in the next few years. Despite impending, domestic financial chaos, the U.S. insists hanging on to its hegemonic sanction and bully practices as though nothing is changing. It’s quite pathetic, like an aging sex symbol trying to squeeze into the Spanx one last time, unable to accept the reality of time having passed.
This was inevitable. The U.S. did this. This is not a plot. This is not “someone else’s fault.” These nations tried to be partners. The U.S. has only tried to subjugate. We loved China when U.S. oligarchs paid theirs to take our jobs (that’s what happened, by the way). Now, China is the richest country on earth, bringing 600 million people into the middle class in little more than a decade. We refuse to ask, “How’d you do that?”
China is teaming up with Russia because the U.S. tried to destroy them too. India is buying Russian oil at a discount, cheaper than U.S. or Saudi oil. 1.4 billion people. Not exactly nothing. If we haven’t figured it out by now (and it seems like we haven’t) other countries are comprised of people. What would you do if I slapped your face? You probably wouldn’t like it and do something. The U.S. has been slapping nations around, then playing victim, then shocked (shocked I say!) when others slap back.
But this isn’t 911. This isn’t al Qaeda. This is money. It’s always about money and as long as we’re intent on domination, we’ll be beat. There will be no next time and we will have to count on the mercy of those we made enemies. Recent examples of this are Iran and Venezuela
This was inevitable because U.S. citizens need a bogey man under the bed. Easily fooled, raised on a diet of westerns, war movies and comics, they require a monolith "evil" who looks and sounds like Darth Vader. The further away they are the easier it is to demonize them. We act like Red Dawn was a documentary and John Wayne was real. We like simple cartoons, without evidence, hence Russiagate. We like Rachel Maddow and Tucker Carlson because they speak to our fear, not to our wisdom. That's been abandoned long ago, and the pill in the cheese, as it were, has been our appetite for endless distraction.
We eat junk.
We watch junk.
We hate truth.
We hate art.
We eviscerate beauty.
We want others to be like us, with nothing to offer.
We can't understand why we're grotesque.
We don’t know we're dying.
Eras end.
As I like to say in these tender moments, sleep tight and enjoy the bonfire.
Abe Abdelhadi hosts the Bitter Truth with Abe Abdelhadi on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc.