Recently, when I visited Los Angeles, I had dinner with some friends. After several of us ticked off the U.S. blunders/sins in Ukraine, a friend asked, “Would you live in Russia?”
This was not the point. My choice of a home country is irrelevant as the Biden Administration is saber rattling two nuclear powers. When Trump threatened North Korea (total nukes count at nine), these very same people howled at the moon. The U.S. track record has been horrible where they have “helped.”
Cuba, El Salvador, Bolivia, Vietnam, Korea, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cambodia, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, and host of other nations have all been visited by good intentions. These on their paved way to a corporate profit led hell and a massive body count. U.S. war dead eclipses the Holocaust tenfold in the last century plus. The U.S. has never and will never care about human rights, or women’s rights. The latter proven by the mere fact that in any war, or overthrow, women are raped and murdered, and their “rights” are the first to go and we don’t care. Not in the media, not in our voting habits.
The very nature of American Exceptionalism dictates a free pass for many a U.S. malfeasance. Good intentions, they had it coming, we’re there for human rights, these are all the tired bromides of the U.S. narrative. They have been going on since the formation of the country. Of course, we’re not alone, but a look at the U.S. casualty rate both here and overseas, says we’re not that whiz bang awesome. We are not and do not care to spread democracy. We make money and kill people. Oops! That pesky quiet part seems to be getting louder.
6 million dead in the Middle East in the "War on Terror.” It wasn't Russia.
3 million dead in Korea 4 million dead in Vietnam with 60,000 dead American troops in each war based in lies. It wasn't Russia.
Dropping the first (so far, only) atomic weapons in human history. It wasn’t Russia.
57% of American households can't afford $1,000 emergency. It wasn't Russia.
Over 1,000 unarmed black and brown people killed by police each year. It wasn’t Russia.
Half of U.S. workers make under $30,000 a year. It wasn't Russia.
D+ infrastructure with 80,000 bridges near crumbling. It wasn’t Russia.
Homeless people under every bridge. It wasn’t Russia.
3,000 counties with water worse than Flint, MI. It wasn’t Russia.
Developing COVID in a lab and then lying at 1,000 miles an hour to claim it was nature. It wasn’t Russia.
Forcing an experimental gene therapy against the will of the people. It wasn’t Russia.
We could go on…
But keep blaming Russia and China, so we don’t focus on the failure of our government. Our “defense” budget occupies 60% of U.S. spending, with nearly 1,000 bases overseas. Meanwhile, China has one base in Djibouti and Russia has 17 outside of their borders. Even if we cut our budget in half, we’d outspend them both by ten times, when nukes, the V.A. and black ops are factored in.
Hillary Clinton lost the election to the electoral college even though she won the popular vote by 5 million votes. Nobody asked why the electoral college failed her candidacy. It definitely wasn’t Russia and that is fact. However, when we need a convenient scapegoat and an evil boogeyman, forget the fact that Russia actually holds elections, has a parliament, a joint chiefs and have not been communist in over thirty years. The narrative (and the money) says it’s a monolithic mass of diligently obedient, hypnotized plebes, with Vlad the Impaler running the show. The automatons that are the Russian population, having no idea of the evil he's perpetrating. That is the American narrative writ large. Sadly, that is also the U.S. in a nutshell.
We've been running NATO up Russia’s ass for over 30 years. The U.S. have broken nearly every treaty or promise ever made to Russia. Look at the end of WWII. FDR promised a $10 billion loan after the war to rebuild. Truman shot that down. Reagan and Bush I promised to not expand NATO one inch east of Germany. This was as long as Russia allowed a re-unified Germany. Now, NATO is on Russia’s doorstep.
If Canada or Mexico had Russian bases and there were Chinese war ships in the Gulf of Mexico, what would the U.S. do? Well, just look at the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis for reference. We’re just not good sports.
No. They are evil and when we kill people it's for good. At the very least we “didn't mean to do it” or we had a “really good reason (War on Terror).” If we're going to achieve world peace, we're going to have to do what the American culture worships as a god and that is actually doing real business. That's why we're so mad at the Chinese, as they actually conduct business transactions for the good of themselves and the countries they create business with.
Americans who love capitalism otherwise take umbrage with this. Not only is China the threat of a good example (taking 850 million people out of poverty in 15 years), but they're actually conducting real business in win-win scenarios that are attractive to countries. This is why BRICS applications are soaring and more banks are dropping the dollar. In 2000, 75% of the world’s banks had the dollar as a reserve, now it’s 50%.
As we witness monumentally stupid, man-made events, it’s time that Americans realize that their parties are corrupt, lying, murderous, venal, and recklessly shallow. Regardless of who wins in 2024, this belligerent saber rattling of nuclear powers for profit is going to end civilization. As I say in these tender moments, enjoy the bonfire…
The Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry in the link below), funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
I bet you're a fan of Jimmy Dore. I am.